The ACES development team used emergency managers and amateur radio emergency communications leadership to identify a basic set of skills that are required of all operators, regardless of served agency, to create a training package. The goal is to create operators who can participate in an incident and function as valued members of the team, rather than be seen as amateurs. The focus is on amateur radio used in an auxiliary capacity (as required by FCC rules) but includes discussion of other communications systems used by served agencies. The course has been delivered multiple times in Washington, Oregon, Idaho and California over the past few years. More information can be found at What makes this course unique is in addition to the classroom training, they include hands-on exercises to insure participants can program radios, send formal message traffic, etc. A complete outline for the course can be found at We would like to encourage anyone interested in emergency communications to attend. The cost is kept to a minimum to appeal to the broadest possible group. This course is accepted by ARES locally as equivalent to the EC-001 course required to be a level 2 (and higher) operator. The training is offered at different locations as local hosts are identified, much the way the ICS classes are delivered. The next course offering is the weekend of January 25-26 in January. You can find details and register for the session at We hope to see you there! If you have questions about this great training opportunity please address them to Scott Honaker, N7SS, -------------------------------------------------------------------- ARRL Western Washington Section Section Manager: Monte L Simpson, W7FF
Oregon ACES – Basic EMCOMM Training