Greetings! Please see the attached release describing a fun, educational, and free emergency preparedness event taking place this weekend, June 22-23, at South Seattle College. The festivities center on a 24-hour ham radio challenge, where a local team will take
WA State Amateur Radio License Plates – Follow Up
I’ve received some questions regarding the email I sent on June 12, 2019, regarding some Washington State Amateur Radio license plates being shown as MARS on vehicle registrations. 1. What is the Washington State Department of Licensing (DOL) Amateur Radio
Washington State Amateur Radio License Plates
Yesterday, June 12, 2019, ARRL Western Washington Section member Christian, AK7VV, notified me of an issue with his Washington State Amateur Radio Service license plates. His vehicle registration was annotated as being a “MARS” license plate. Along with AK7VV’s efforts