Greetings! Please see the attached release describing a fun, educational, and free emergency preparedness event taking place this weekend, June 22-23, at South Seattle College. The festivities center on a 24-hour ham radio challenge, where a local team will take to the airwaves in competition with hundreds of other such groups all over North America, to see who can rack up the most radio contacts. But this Field Day is much more than that--it is part technology geek-fest, part emergency preparedness exercise, and part public show-and-tell. The operation will be staffed by members of Seattle Auxiliary Communications Service (which is part of the Office of Emergency Management) and two radio clubs, the Puget Sound Repeater Group and the West Seattle Amateur Radio Club. 5 things to know: * The event is at South Seattle College, in a large open area just south of the instructional buildings. * Field Day is open to everyone, free of charge, and the public is encouraged to attend. Anyone can take a turn "behind the microphone" as well! * There will be workshops and demonstrations of various radio and other emergency preparedness skills. * Amateur ("Ham") radio operators will be sending and receiving messages from all over North America and beyond. * The whole operation will be solar-and battery-powered and will demonstrate amateur radio capabilities to communicate in conditions similar to those caused by a disaster. I will be onsite from Saturday afternoon well into the wee hours of Sunday, as PIO and radio operator. Hope to see you this weekend. The event runs from 11AM Saturday straight through to 11AM Sunday, with good opportunities for photos, video, and sound. Best regards, Tim Helming PIO, Seattle ACS Vice President, Puget Sound Repeater Group 206-228-2826 -------------------------------------------------------------------- ARRL Western Washington Section Section Manager: Monte L Simpson, AF7PQ
Seattle Emergency Preparedness “Field Day” June 22-23