On April 1, 2024, the ARRL Western Washington Section will have a newSection Manager. I am pleased to introduce to the section’smembership, Robert (Bob) M. Purdom, AD7LJ. WWA Section Manager Jim Pace,K7CEX appointed Bob to serve as an Assistant Section
The Santa Net
The following was shared with me by Randy, KI4EZU. “Here is a great way to get parents and children interested in AmateurRadio. Santa Net is back on 3.916 MHz for the 18th year! Starting Friday,November 24th, good girls and boys
Announcing our 4th Annual Youth “Dream Rig” Essay Contest
The Intrepid-DX Group is a US based 501 C (3) nonprofit organizationthat promotes Amateur Radio activities around the world. The Intrepid-DX Group recognizes the importance of including Youth inour great hobby because they are our future! We are continuing with
Excellent opportunity to serve the amateur radio community
The Western Washington Amateur Repeater Association is looking for a newOfficer to fill the role of Board Secretary! Do you have administrative skills and experience? Do you want to giveback to Amateur Radio for all you’ve benefitted? Can you contribute
Repeater Roundabout November 11-12-2023
There will be a fantastic opportunity for V/UHF equipped hams toparticipate in a contest called the Repeater Roundabout during theVeteran’s Day weekend. When I was sharing the information aboutVolunteers On The Air or VOTA earlier this year, I had inquiries
Message to US Educators – ARISS Contact Opportunity
Call for ProposalsNew Proposal Window: October 1 – November 10, 2023 September 25, 2023 — The Amateur Radio on the International SpaceStation (ARISS) Program is seeking formal and informal educationinstitutions and organizations, individually or working together, tohost an Amateur Radio
ACES Basic Virtual Course Available
The following information about an upcoming Auxiliary CommunicationsEmergency Solutions Course was received from Scott Honaker, N7SS. ACESis an outstanding course of instruction that exposes students to nearlyall aspects of Emergency Communications (EMCOMM) a volunteercommunicator will encounter. This course provides training
Hurricane Hilary
The following information was received from the ARRL EmergencyManagement Director. Good Morning everyone, We are tracking Hurricane Hilary this morning along with you all in theSouthwest US. For all: Please pass along to all your active hams this morning thefollowing
Assistant Section Manager for Opportunity Coordination/Development
In February 2023 when I sent the ARRL WWA Section membership an emailregarding the section’s VOTA slot in March I received comments frommembers asking where is the opportunity for Technician Class AmateurRadio Operators? The members making the point were correct
Earthquake and Tsunami Hazards in the Pacific Northwest – YouTube Recording
On May 1, 2023, an email was sent to the membership regarding Earthquakeand Tsunami Hazards in the Pacific Northwest. Many members attempted toview this training online but could not due to a restriction of how manyparticipants could view it. I