An ARRL member received the following email yesterday that I need toshare with you. This is a scam so please delete it if you receive or have received thesame email. Please be assured that I would not use my position
Northern Florida ARES Requests Clear Frequencies for HF Nets
Northern Florida ARES Requests Clear Frequencies for HF Nets09/16/2020Northern Florida Section Emergency Coordinator Karl Martin, K4HBN, isrequesting that stations not directly involved in the Amateur RadioEmergency Service (ARES®) response to Hurricane Sally please avoid3.950 MHz (primary) and 7.242 MHz (backup).
George Stone, AC7AI, Appointed WWA Section Traffic Manager
I am very pleased to announce to the Western Washington Section thatGeorge Stone, AC7AI, has been appointed to the Section Traffic Managerposition effective September 9, 2020. George is a respected and longtime traffic handler who enjoys passingradio messages. His primary