I am very pleased to announce to the Western Washington Section that
George Stone, AC7AI, has been appointed to the Section Traffic Manager
position effective September 9, 2020.
George is a respected and longtime traffic handler who enjoys passing
radio messages. His primary responsibilities will be:
- Establish, administer, and promote a traffic handling program at the
section level, based on, but not restricted to, National Traffic System
networks. - Cooperate and coordinate with the Section Emergency Coordinator so
that traffic nets and emergency nets in the section present a unified
public service front.
He will be working with and supporting the traffic handling volunteers
in the section, assisting new volunteers to become a part of the traffic
handling community and as requested provide talks to groups interested
in traffic handling. His availability will be dependent on time and
location of the meeting venue.
The hard-working traffic handling volunteers prepare, transmit and relay
message traffic via many modes including voice/SSB, CW and various data
methods. They volunteer hundreds of hours a year by participating in one
to several traffic nets a day. The traffic handlers that operate data
gateways spend thousands of dollars for the equipment and dedicate many
hours a month maintaining their equipment. My hat is off to Amateur
Radio Service traffic handlers thank you for what you do.
You may reach George by email at: gstone511@comcast.net
ARRL Western Washington Section
Section Manager: Monte L Simpson, W7FF