June 2022 was a busy month for amateur radio operators who support
emergency communications. During the period of June 9 through 19,
members of the Amateur Radio Service supported four communications
- National Tribal Emergency Management Council (NTEMC) Thunderbird and
Whale 2022. This Full-Scale Exercise (FSE) received support from ARRL
Headquarters officers/staff, Northwest Division Director, and Vice
Director and the following ARRL Sections:
- Eastern Washington
- Western Washington
- Los Angeles Section, High Desert District
- South Florida
- Virginia
The NTEMC EOC in Snohomish County was staffed by amateur radio
volunteers from Kitsap County ARES and Seattle Auxiliary Communications
Service (ACS).
- Washington Disaster Airlift Response Team (DART) Thunder Run on
June 18th. Western Washington DART ARES received support from the
- Eastern Washington Section
- Chilliwack, BC, Canada Amateur Radio Club
- Clallam County ARES
- Island County ARES
- Jefferson County ARES
- North Bend ARES
- Northshore Emergency Management Coalition
- Pierce County ARES, Gig Harbor Peninsula Team
- Puget Sound Energy ARES
- Seattle Auxiliary Communications Service
- Whatcom Emergency Communications Group
- Oregon Disaster Airlift Response Team (DART) Whale Run on June
18th received support from approximately twenty-two amateur radio
operators at:
- Arcata, CA
- Aurora, OR
- Bandon, OR
- Newport, OR
- Camas, WA
- Washington State Department of Transportation, SW Region, Cascadia
Rising 2022 received support from:
- Clark County ARES
Thank you to Amateur Radio Service volunteers who helped with these
training and public service events. Volunteers sharing their knowledge,
skills, abilities and in some cases, equipment is very much appreciated.
Thank you to everyone who gave of their time and talents.
ARRL Western Washington Section
Section Manager: Monte L Simpson, W7FF