During the week of March 29th through April 4th, 2023, the Western
Washington (WWA) Section had its week of Volunteers on the Air.
Assistant Section Manager Bob Purdom, AD7LJ shared the schedule with me
and allowed me to use his HF Radio, thank you Bob. During this week we
had sixty-four contacts commemorating VOTA 2023.
I received inquiries asking what about Technician class licensee with
only V/UHF equipment? The big challenge is we do not have enough ARRL
volunteers throughout the section to provide an opportunity to our
Technician licensees to contact them on a simplex frequency.
With Technician class licensees being just under two-thirds of our hobby
they are important to me so finding a way to include them in fun,
interesting and notable events. This should also help with our youth
outreach efforts.
If there are ARRL members in the WWA Section that would like to work on
a project of finding ways to engage our Technician licensees, please
send me an email w7ff@arrl.org
As a reminder the Eastern Washington Section is celebrating their VOTA
week November 15 through 21, 2023. Should the Western Washington Section
try to schedule a make-up VOTA session?
ARRL Western Washington Section
Section Manager: Monte L Simpson, W7FF