Date: Wednesday, 3 May 2023
Time: 5:00 PM to 6:00 PM (Pacific)
Title: “Earthquake and Tsunami Hazards in the Pacific Northwest”
Presented by: Randy LeVeque – KJ7WLT and Loyce Adams – KJ7ZOL
Overview: History tells us that the Cascadia Subduction Zone will
produce another devastating Magnitude 8 to 9 earthquake and accompanying
major tsunami at some point in the future. Crustal faults running under
the Salish Sea (Strait of Juan de Fuca, Puget Sound, and Strait of
Georgia) can be equally dangerous for many communities. What do we know
about past events and how does that knowledge help us predict future
earthquake and tsunami hazards? This presentation will cover these
topics, what resources are available right now to receive alerts and
warnings, what the post-tsunami coastal landscape might look like to
emergency communications volunteers, and some of ways that amateur radio
will be critically important in the aftermath of the next big event.
The presenters are both retired University of Washington professors of
Mathematics who continue to work extensively on the mathematical models
of potential tsunami devastation in Washington.
This talk is open to all.
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Steve Aberle, WA7PTM
ARRL Western Washington Section
Section Manager: Monte L Simpson, W7FF