Join the celebration! 2021 World Amateur Radio Day is this Sunday, April

  1. It was on this day in 1925 that the International Amateur Radio
    Union (IARU) was formed in Paris, France. ARRL Co-Founder Hiram Percy
    Maxim was its first president.

On World Amateur Radio Day, you’re invited to take to the airwaves to
celebrate our global community of radio amateurs who explore, develop,
and practice radio communications. The Hiram Percy Maxim Memorial
Station, W1AW, will be on the air throughout WARD from ARRL’s
headquarters in Connecticut.

The IARU has chosen “Amateur Radio: Home but Never Alone” as the
theme for 2021 WARD. Let’s make a big splash to celebrate the
opportunities for service, skill, and discovery that make being hams so
much fun and rewarding! Spread the word among your radio clubs, Field
Organization volunteers, community information outlets, and with local
media. You’ll find lots of ideas for planning your participation of
World Amateur Radio Day at And
remember that ARRL Field Day is just around the corner – June 26-27
– so use World Amateur Radio Day to promote interest in ham radio
throughout your community before the next big event!

If your club or other group is doing something special for this great
event let me know so I can share it with the ARRL Membership.

ARRL Western Washington Section
Section Manager: Monte L Simpson, W7FF

World Amateur Radio Day – April 18th

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